100+ projects across the globe

Women In Action

We help Women that suffer from Endometriosis & Educate politicians in their Responsability towards Women in Need.

Om oss

We do influence by education:

Our organisation of Endosis addresses common issues towards the parliament and government as well as authorities, municipalities, and county councils at the national level. Our goal is to become the central referral body within endometriosis health as a representative for our member organizations. Living with endometriosis, causes pain. 

Living with endometriosis is not primarily about care and nursing. It is about living one’s life in community with others. A life that includes freedom, participation, and the same opportunities, rights, and responsibilities as other people in society. This means that housing, work, livelihood, family, and friends to socialize with are central parts of life. Many studies show that the lack of these fundamental conditions leads to incorrect active diagnoses, the individual suffers, and in the long term, chronic pain is created, resulting in difficulties in recovering and living with an incurable disease with chronic pain.

Fear and ignorance make it difficult for people to talk openly about endometriosis and lead to isolation or being isolated by others. Within Endosis, we work globally to deepen our understanding of symptoms, disease, and a greater understanding of human differences. The goal is for everyone to have the same rights and opportunities, regardless of physical, psychological, or mental functionality.



What we do:

We help women with endometriosis

Lectures and informs about endometriosis

Helps women get assistance from authorities

Collaborates with various partners

Online store with clothing for support

come together

We must reshape our own perception of how we see ourselves. We must step up as women and take back control of our own lives.

our events

We organize and bring women and girls together.

To influence how people, organizations, and movements think and act.
What we do:

We help women with endometriosis

Lectures and informs about endometriosis

Helps women get assistance from authorities

Collaborates with various partners

Online store with clothing for support


Help us raise money for our humanitarian purposes